
Using the Toolbar

Options for Interacting with the Map

  1. The Toolbar enables you to interact with the map with the following tools:

    Name Icon Description
    Previous Extent Zoom to previous extent Previous extent: The map returns to the area displayed previously. Similar to the browser's Back button, but specifically for the map.
    Next Extent Zoom to next extent Forward extent: The map displays the next view extent in the list of stored map extents. This is only available after the Previous Extent button has been clicked.
    Zoom to Full Extent Full extent: The map displays the full County view extents (back to the same view extents as when the site first loads).
    Pan Pan tool Click and drag the map: Click and hold the left mouse button on the map, and drag the map. The map will be recentered to the new location.
    Zoom in Zoom in tool Click and drag a rectangle: Click and hold the left mouse button down on the map at one corner of the rectangle to zoom in to.  Drag the mouse to the other corner of the rectangle, and release the mouse button.  The map will zoom in to the area of the rectangle.  This is initially the active tool when the site first loads.
    Zoom out Zoom out tool Click and drag a rectangle: the map will zoom out so that the current map area will fit into the rectangle drawn. The smaller the rectangle you draw, the more the map will zoom out.
    Identify Identify Identify: Allows you to find information about a point selected on the map.  Information is returned on the Tax Parcel, Soils, County Zoning, Supervisory District, School District, Parks, and Emergency Response areas.  More info...
    Measure Distance Measure Distance Print: Click the map to measure distance.
    Measure Area Measure Area Measure Area: Click the map to measure area.
    Select Parcel Parcel Select Select Parcel: Click on a single parcel to highlight and get information.

    If Pink Map returns, see Browser Issues

    Draw Select Buffer Tool Draw Select Parcels/Mailing Labels: Allows you to select multiple parcels through drawing a point, line, or polygon and buffering those features a specified distance.  There is also an option for creating mailing labels from the Selected Tax Parcels.
    More info...
    Clear Selection Clear Selection Clear Selection: Click to clear the selected features on the map.
    Aerial View
    Pictometry Analytics



    Aerial View: Click a map point to open a new window (Pictometry Viewer) showing an oblique view of the selected location.
    Pictometry Analytics: Click the green down arrow to the immediate right of Aerial Viewer to select Pictometry Analytics (Door County Network Users Only!) from a new window.  This Pictometry server site provides measuring and other advanced functionality.
    Pictometry Pictometry: Explains options and provides quick links to various sites for viewing Door County aerial photography.
    Sketch Tools Buffer Tool Sketch tools: Click the green down arrow to draw point, line, or polygon features over the map and then edit, label, or erase items.  These temporary features can also be printed.
    Print Print: Click to create a printable PDF map of the current extent.  More info...
    Image Image: Click to display map image in a new window for copying, printing, or saving individually.  Right-click new window display to get options.
    Help Help Help: Documentation and Instructions for using Door County Web Map site.

Using the Identify Tool

  1. In the Toolbar, click the Identify icon and then select a point of interest on the map.
  2. When you click the map, information on all the identifiable features for that point will be displayed in the table of contents.


Using the Draw Select Tool for Selecting Tax Parcels and Creating Mailing Labels

  1. The Draw Select tool allows you to select a tax parcel or group of parcels by drawing a feature (point, line, or polygon) and buffer it by a user defined distance.  The selected tax parcels then have their owner name and mailing address included in a mailing label form, ready for printing.
  2. In the Toolbar, click the Draw Select icon .  Upon selecting the tool, the table of contents displays the drawing options (point, line, or polygon) to create the desired feature (defaults to Draw Polygon) on the map.  Click vertices on map and double-click last point to finish drawing object.

  3. Once the feature is drawn, the Buffer Selection Shape prompt located in the table of contents allows you to offset the drawn feature by a distance in feet.  If left at zero, only the parcels touching or contained within the drawn feature will be selected.

  4. Once the feature is drawn, and the buffer distance is set (in feet), select the Go! button or Enter.  The map will display the buffer distance and select the parcels.  The table of contents will also show the number of selected Tax Records and generates a list.  At the top of the table of contents will list three different formats for obtaining mailing labels.

  5. The PDF format is ready for printing, the HTML is for easy viewing, and the CSV allows for custom creation and offers a number of data fields.  The PDF or HTML format labels will appear in a new browser window, and the CSV will create a File Download prompt for the user to Open, Save, or Cancel request.  If opening or saving, the file can be viewed with Excel or another spreadsheet program.


  1. Click the Print icon to create a printable PDF of your current map view at the approximate scale indicated in white drop-down box below map.
  2. The Print dialog appears in the table of contents upon selecting tool.  You have the option to add a title, otherwise it will default to "Map".  There is also an option to select a different size-layout, otherwise it will default to letter-landscape. 

  3. Select Go! or Enter to create the map.  The table of contents will then prompt "Please wait while requesting information..." prior to
    three hyperlink choices appearing.  Click a hyperlink to view the map.

  4. The View Image or View HTML generates a new window from which the image can be copied (and pasted), save picture as ... and etc.

  5. Download PDF map creates a map in a new window ready for printing at the layout size chosen.